Thank you for being here

This is more than just my personal site. Here you can see my work, my skills, what moves and intrigues me. As a person who is always searching new ways to learn, I can assure you our work together will never be boring or unproductive.

Who am I?

About me

A designer who knows to code

Because keep learning is a must these days
about me avatar

The human behind the computer

I'm a person who is interested in technologies that help to satisfice user needs and desires. As a developer, I'm focused in thinking, design and creating digital solutions for the organization that I work for.

Why I Code

As the language of the future, coding allows you to create anything that you are capable of thinking: from a drawing program to an app for financial transactions, coding can take you anywhere.

Why I Design

Design is anywhere you can look at. The way people find the beauty in each item of daily life is a fine example that art is a powerful tool to reach an objective. And that knowledge is what I can use to generate a bigger impact of a product.

My Favourite Things

I like to experiment multiple options of entertaining. See documentaries, got to a new places, try some foreign food. I believe that movement is what keeps the soul always alive.


Some of my works


Let's get in touch

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